
We installed a Blue Sky system for this client several years ago, and they recently came back to have a new solar power system installed in their new coach.  Their primary need for a solar power system is to offset the energy used by their residential refrigerator.  We installed 680W of solar power on their roof, about three-fourths of which will go towards powering their refrigerator.   In ideal conditions (lots of sun) the excess solar power can be used to charge their batteries faster.  Sometimes conditions are less than ideal though (not enough sun), which is why no one complains about having too much solar power.


Equipment Added:
4x ZS170 Solar Panel Kits
1x Roof Combiner Box
1x SunRunner Victron MPPT 50A Charge Controller Core
1x Victron BMV-712 Smart Battery Monitor

Storage Bay
Storage Bay
Victron Charge Controller
Victron Charge Controller